Vice Emulator- setup C= 17XX REu's

From: Terry Raymond <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 09:59:14 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Hi Im using the latest Vice Emulator Im using the X64 running a C64
program for playing music using a Mod player that needs to have a 17XX REU
using 256K of Ram.

I see that to emulate the older Commodore 17XX REU's requires some sort of
binary or Rom image, (I dont quite understand what is needed there) and I
have no clue
where to find those binary images that are needed to make the REU work

 Im also very interested in the Super CPU also that needs a binary also.

Could someone inform me where I can find those binary files?

Terry Raymond
Received on 2024-05-30 17:00:01

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