"Less than" key and PET tape drive, again

From: Rhialto <rhialto_at_falu.nl>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2025 23:50:11 +0100
Message-ID: <Z3m7IxhUoSbzNh-G_at_falu.nl>
I wish everybody a happy 2025. Also I can take the opportunity to point
at my VHDL PET for the Mega-65 hardware at
https://github.com/Rhialto/PET_MEGA65 (project is in progress, not

I think I asked here before if people knew about the effect on a PET
(possibly only orginal ROM set) where if you press the < key (less than)
while loading from tape, it prints < chars on the screen when there is
"something" on the tape. I am fairly sure I saw that in print somewhere
(guess: PBE magazine, or Compute!).

Anyway, I was idly browsing through old Compute!s and I found:


In many PETs, the less-than (<) key will appear to be dead if cassette
tape drive #1 is disconnected.

If you have to run without a tape drive, you might like to make up a
plus[sic] for the tape edge connector, Putting a ground on the input line
(connecting pins A-1 and D-4- on the cassette edge connector) should
make the problem disappear. 


I may even have posted this before but I can't find it right now. It
does seem to indicate *some* connection between the two...

But whyyyy?

Now that I'm thinking about it - maybe it was not literally while
LOADing but just pressing the < key and PLAY would do it?

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                            <rhialto/at/falu.nl>
\X/ There is no AI. There is just someone else's work.           --I. Rose

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