Re: PLA equations for the 1551 drive's cart

Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 21:52:12 +0000
Message-Id: <>
> On 22 Feb 2025, at 12:24, Francesco Messineo <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I need to program a replacement PLA for a 1551 drive, of course I have
>>> blank ICs.
>> May I ask what exactly chips exactly do you have? And where can I get some? I mean if they are not the soviet ones, which I already have.
> of course the soviet ones, that are now unobtainable too.
> But luckily they always worked fine (except some random one that fails
> programming) and I have (I hope) a lifetime batch.

So do I ;-)

> PLS100/82S100 are almost extinct in the non-programmed state (but you
> might want to try your luck on aliexpress).

Well - and get a good bunch of already programmed ones. Been there, seen that…

> 93459 blank PLAs are easier to find (last time I've checked) but I
> don't have any programmer that can handle them and the only known
> programmer that supports them (at least for what I know) is rare and
> expensive for those of us living in EU.

What programmer is able to handle them?

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