RE: Informations about JiffyDOS

From: Bo Zimmerman (
Date: 2001-03-14 20:10:56

I'm afraid not.  For JiffyDos to work, you must have the special JiffyDos
ROM chip in BOTH the computer AND the disk drive.  CMD never made a JiffyDos
ROM chip for the VIC-20, to my knowledge.

- Bo

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Daniele Gratteri
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:49 PM
To: CBM Hackers
Subject: Informations about JiffyDOS


Can you tell me how it does into a 1541 floppy disk drive?
Can a 1541 equipped with JiffyDOS work with a VIC 20 computer?

        Daniele Gratteri (
           (ICQ N° 53943994 - FIAT1100D in IRC)

                  CBM & AMIGA FOREVER!

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