Bil Herd and the Louisville C= Expo

From: rbernardo (
Date: 2001-04-08 10:52:50

     On comp.sys.cbm tonight, Bil Herd announced that he will be attending
the Louisville Commodore Expo on May 26 in Louisville, Kentucky.  Bil was
the lead Commodore Business Machines engineer who was responsible for the
development of the C128, among other projects.  He is also advising Jeri
Ellsworth in her development of the 16/24-bit video board for the C64.
      In the message he posted (see below), he hints of interesting
stories from those heady days.

					Let him know how you feel,
					Robert Bernardo
					Fresno Commodore User Group


Sat, 07 Apr 2001 22:10:57            comp.sys.cbm
Commodore Expo
Bil Herd <>

Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm

Hi All,

Anybody going to be at the Expo in Louisville in May?  I have been talked
into stopping by and saying hi and maybe telling some stories from the Old
Commodore days.  Got a question as to why something is the way it is (like
why is the serial bus so slow), let me know.  If I don't know the answer I
will make somthing up or call someone who knows. <g>

Bil Herd

Just kidding... you can't make stuff like this up.

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