Re: C64 vs 128's font.

From: Larry Anderson (
Date: 2001-05-11 04:04:48

Well the 64 font looses some in the translation of graphics (the 8 lines
from left to right or top to bottom, the clubs character, are good
examples).  I like the PET/VIC font myself, it just depends on the output.

If one were to be a stickler for compatibility the 64 font should be in,
as some display programs rely on its quirks and blockyness.

Startup colors?   Black background, white text and a dark colored border
(such as grey-1 or Blue)  Though if you want to be a stickelr for
compatibility....  ;->

Jeri Ellsworth wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm curious which font people prefer and what start
> up colors?
> Jeri
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