Re: IRQ for 6502

From: Christer Palm (
Date: 2001-08-21 15:50:31

Ruud Baltissen wrote:
> Your remark made me remember that I still want to have a look at the free
> core at only to find out that it isn't there
> anymore (or am I looking at the wrong place?).

You're looking in the wrong place. It's at

> If it is gone, is yours available to have a peek at to see what VHDL looks
> like and how "programming a 6502" is done, please?

Unfortunately it's far from beeing synthesizable yet. Basically, it's
just a collection of pieces that hasn't been fit together yet, so I
don't think it would give you much. Also, I haven't made up my mind on
whether I want to release that information publically or not. There's
quite a few hours of hard work behind it...

But if you only want to see an example of what it looks like, here's a
piece of code from the ALU:

--  ALU stage 2 handles the 2 operand operations OR, AND, XOR, Add,
--  and Subtract and derives the flag outputs.
--  It is implemented as a 4-bit unit, 2 are needed for a full
byte-width ALU
architecture ALU2 of ALU2 is
    constant fcnOR  : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1000';
    constant fcnAND : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1001';
    constant fcnXOR : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1010';
    constant fcnAdd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1011';
    constant fcnCmp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1110';
    constant fcnSub : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1111';

    -- Operations are carried out using 5 bits (4 bits + carry):
    signal   opA    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    signal   opB    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    signal   opC    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    signal   result : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    signal   bcdRes : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    signal   useBcd : std_logic;
    signal   fcn    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    opA <= '0' & dataInA;
    opB <= '0' & dataInB;
    opC <= '0000' & carryIn;

    fcn <= aluEnable & fcnSelect;

    with fcn select
        result <= opA or  opB                       when fcnOR,
                  opA and opB                       when fcnAND,
                  opA xor opB                       when fcnXOR,
                  opA  +  opB + opC                 when fcnAdd,
                  opA  -  opB                       when fcnCmp,
                  opA  -  opB - ( opC xor '00001' ) when fcnSub,
                  carryIn & dataInA                 when others;

    -- Form BCD adjusted result
    bcdRes <= result + X"6" when (result > X"9") else result;

    -- Output BCD-adjusted value?
    useBcd <= '1' when (bcdEnable = '1' and ( fcn = fcnAdd or fcn =
fcnSub ))
              else '0';

    -- Evaluate dataOut
    dataOut <= bcdRes(3 downto 0) when (useBcd = '1') else result(3
downto 0);

    -- Evaluate carryOut
    carryOut <= bcdRes(4) when (useBcd = '1') else result(4);

    -- Evaluate zero output
    zero <= '1' when (result(3 downto 0) = '0000') else '0';

    -- Evaluate negative output
    negative <= result(3);

    -- Evaluate overflow output (only makes sense if fcn=add or sub)
    overflow <= opA(3) xor ( opB(3) xor result(3) );
end ALU2;

Christer Palm

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