Re: SMT mounting question
Date: 2002-10-17 01:27:21

I saw a reference of photo etching being reliable down to .2mm, what is the pitch of your BGA?  Also you need some kind of finish on the traces under it.  And a mini oven is the only way I've heard of soldering it at home.  I did run across patterns you can use to squeeqee solder paste over, so the areas to be soldered are perfectly filled with solder paste. (squeegee=flat rubber fin to spread paste).
Also I've been using Eagle for design, it's pretty good out of the free ones because it has full functionality except one layer (two sides) and  a small board area (but plenty big for the hobbyist). And
also a pretty good library, including Atmel parts.
The interface is kinda inelegant (what's with the Smasher tool?) and not always to the usual windows standard, but it's easy enough to use.
The tutorial is not very well written but you can get through it.
You start with schematic design, then the connections are automatically kept when you go to route the board, and there's even an autorouter.
Anyone know any other good cad programs?  Btw, I had a question about
parts, on the off chance anyone knows.. I found 3 versions of a capacitor size: C-US050-025X075, C-US025_050-025X075 and C5/2.5 (also called C5B2.5).
They sit differently in the board program and one seems to have an extra pin.  I wonder what is the difference between them?  I'm trying to match it with a 0.47uF 16v cap I have in hand and I'm not even sure what case it is, how do I tell?  As near I can measure it's 2mmx6mm, thickness by width (and height is something else, and I'm looking at it mounted vertically, it's through-hole, and ceramic dip, and rectangulare in shape, and dull orange in color, non-polarized).
It would fit in .3x.1 area in imperial measured prototype boards...

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