2532 pinout?

From: Brian Ketterling (tweel8502_at_hotmail.com)
Date: 2003-03-20 00:38:36

Hi --

I'm wondering whether anyone has a known-good pinout for a TI 2532 JL 4k x 8 
EPROM.  I found the following one at:


A7 | 1  24| Vcc
A6 | 2  23| A8
A5 | 3  22| A9
A4 | 4  21| Vpp
A3 | 5  20| /E, /Progr
A2 | 6  19| A10
A1 | 7  18| A11
A0 | 8  17| D7
D0 | 9  16| D6
D1 |10  15| D5
D2 |11  14| D4
Vss |12  13| D3

This EPROM is on the board of my autostart Vizastar 64 cartridge.  However, 
either the pinout above is wrong, or Viza intentionally jumbled up the lines 
(maybe as a scheme to keep people from reading/copying the ROM?).  Using the 
pinout as a guide, the cartridge has these connections:

-----   ---------    -----   ---------
  A0    A1             D0    D5
  A1    A2             D1    D3
  A2    A3             D2    D1
  A4    A6             D3    D0
  A5    A8             D4    D2
  A6    A9             D5    D4
  A7    A11            D6    D6
  A8    A10            D7    D7
  A9    A7
  A10   A0      <Vcc> and <Vss> are as expected.
  A11   A5      <Vpp> goes to +5V. </E, /Progr> goes to /ROML.

Thanks very much,

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