Re: SFD-1001 (8[02]50) diagnostic codes ?

From: MagerValp (MagerValp_at_Goth.Org)
Date: 1998-05-06 10:28:06

>>>>> "Martijn" == Martijn van Buul <> writes:

Martijn> Hmm.. Does anyone have an explanation of the diagnostic codes
Martijn> of the SFD-1001 (or 8250 / 8050) ? My SFD-1001 is blinking at
Martijn> me, and I'd like to know what it wants :)

Error codes for the 4040 and the 8050 is in the PET FAQ. André has a
copy in the PET index:

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .   .     +    + Per Olofsson
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +             MagerValp@Goth.Org
     -       +            +    .

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