cbm-hackers mailing list
by thread
- Re: D64 with IDE64 and a parallel connected 1541... record beaten!? silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2005-11-28 16:59:42)
- Re: D64 with IDE64 and a parallel connected 1541... record beaten!? willi_at_allvantage.com (2005-11-29 00:20:52)
- Re: D64 with IDE64 and a parallel connected 1541... record beaten!? silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2005-12-01 02:34:04)
- Re: C2N232 availability? (wrong string) äkelä (2005-11-30 23:10:04)
- USB-to-serial adapters (Re: C2N232 availability?) (wrong string) äkelä (2005-11-30 23:01:53)
- Re: C2N232 availability? silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2005-12-01 01:11:59)
- Re: VHDL questions David Wood (2005-11-27 15:38:13)
- Re: DTV software issues fachat (2005-11-24 01:15:17)
- (no subject) soci-safe_at_c64.rulez.org (2005-12-01 16:55:46)
- DTVMON 0.1 released Daniel Kahlin (2005-12-03 17:35:17)
- VIC-TRACKER COMPO2005 open for voting! Daniel Kahlin (2005-12-04 21:46:03)
- Bug found in C64? Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2005-12-05 15:12:34)
- Problem with 9V/12V MagerValp (2005-12-06 23:26:44)
- PET stuff to rescue Anders Carlsson (2005-12-15 22:21:40)
- C64 Character ROMs Christer Palm (2005-12-18 22:28:49)
- PET 8032 German keyboard Gabriele Bozzi (2005-12-19 23:54:33)
- Success flashing the c64dtv! Daniel Kahlin (2005-12-23 00:09:24)
- merry Christmas (wrong string) Övermann 1 (2005-12-24 15:59:45)
- Need an IC silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2005-12-29 14:38:10)
- happy new year (wrong string) Övermann 1 (2006-01-01 22:45:45)
- 1541 Inter-sector gap Christer Palm (2006-01-02 01:51:00)
- Power Assembler question Glenn Holmer (2006-01-08 20:11:40)
- Interview with Bil Herd Grósz Attila (2006-01-09 13:02:14)
- C=64 cartridge port power Wouter Coene (2006-01-10 17:26:41)
- Keyboard decoder schematic (cbm to ps2)? Olli Raatikainen (2006-02-06 07:08:02)
- USB to IEEE-488 adapter (wrong string) äkelä (2006-02-07 09:19:37)
- VIC-20 disassembly? Grósz Attila (2006-02-09 13:19:50)
- GPIB to USB Richard (2006-02-10 05:13:56)
- CBM 8032 visicalc Richard (2006-02-10 18:46:45)
- 8032 Visicalc William Levak (2006-02-13 04:20:35)
- IEEE 488 used to connect at PC directly to SFD 1001 Claus Just Rasmussen (2006-02-23 22:23:37)
- 6502 VHDL core? fachat (2006-02-23 23:36:40)
- Sugestions for keyboard raw mode Jim Brain (2006-03-07 00:49:33)
- FYI: Links with VHDL Cores Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-03-08 08:10:36)
- fastest SERIAL transfer silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2006-03-23 17:56:13)
- 8250 and C64 disks Claus Just Rasmussen (2006-03-27 16:19:15)
- 1581 loosing data Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-03-29 12:36:00)
- reading status channel in ML silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2006-04-09 10:12:52)
- xa 2.3.0 released (and dxa 0.1.0) Cameron Kaiser (2006-04-12 07:27:22)
- zimmers.net: Problems since some days Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-04-22 14:36:11)
- VCFe (C2N232I) availability Florian Boelstler (2006-04-27 09:28:31)
- New release 0.4.0 of opencbm (cbm4linux/cbm4win) Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-04-28 22:36:35)
- Broken PET 8296-D Anders Carlsson (2006-04-29 22:35:33)
- Mail loop MagerValp (2006-05-10 21:21:24)
- The 6522 VIA serial shift register bug Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-05-11 19:54:32)
- OpenCBM (cbm4win/cbm4linux) and JiffyDOS: Anyone with success? Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-05-19 09:29:24)
- Final Replay NETDRIVE Linux port Florian Boelstler (2006-05-24 23:08:06)
- 1541LPT Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2006-05-29 08:22:45)
- 1541LPT (2) Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2006-06-02 11:14:16)
- PC-Flop ruud.baltissen_at_abp.nl (2006-06-06 12:10:59)
- Help needed with PET 2001 r.lagendijk_at_hccnet.nl (2006-06-08 21:21:38)
- PC-Flop ruud.baltissen_at_abp.nl (2006-06-09 13:21:22)
- opencbm 0.4.0 on recent Linux kernels? silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2006-06-16 23:36:53)
- 1581 and PC disk drives André Fachat (2006-06-18 12:18:00)
- RAM 4864 and 4164 and Z80 r.lagendijk_at_hccnet.nl (2006-06-21 20:02:07)
- New Member Hello B Degnan (2006-06-24 02:05:35)
- RAM problem (P500) r.lagendijk_at_hccnet.nl (2006-06-25 17:32:16)
- Server maintenance MagerValp (2006-06-27 17:08:05)
- Question about interpreting a 8050 disk drive error light pattern B. Degnan (2006-06-30 03:18:21)
- WTD: tandon 603s or 602s B. Degnan (2006-07-01 01:31:52)
- New maintainer wanted for iDOC= Peter Karlsson (2006-07-05 14:35:35)
- Update D9090 (was wtd tandon 603/2s B. Degnan (2006-07-07 03:07:42)
- Update D9090 (was wtd tandon 603/2s) revised B. Degnan (2006-07-07 04:00:57)
- Give all devices on a serial IEC bus unique numbers? Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-07-09 09:27:16)
- C128CDR USA - 390059-01/4485 B. Degnan (2006-07-13 02:45:37)
- Clearing EPROMs: How much time to lay in the sun? Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-07-16 16:56:42)
- 64K expansion 8032-8096 B Degnan (2006-07-16 20:32:32)
- Question about oscillators Gabriele Bozzi (2006-07-16 21:45:41)
- Replacement of 6540 ROM in CBM PET2001 Mats Rosengren (2006-07-20 11:52:00)
- ROM 901225-01 and CBM-II series Anders Carlsson (2006-07-25 20:38:24)
- New here, my introduction Wolfgang Moser (2006-07-26 20:04:45)
- Source for 6526/8250/1772 André Fachat (2006-08-05 19:22:30)
- (no subject) Mats Rosengren (2006-08-13 10:50:00)
- New CBM Hardware or so... André Fachat (2006-08-13 21:49:15)
- Sorry 14 --> 12 inches Gabriele Bozzi (2006-08-21 20:06:33)
- cbm 4032 14 inches enlightment Gabriele Bozzi (2006-08-21 20:00:54)
- Diskcopy ruud.baltissen_at_abp.nl (2006-08-22 11:53:51)
- cassette port dongle Glenn Holmer (2006-08-26 15:15:40)
- partial CIA #2 failure? Cameron Kaiser (2006-08-31 04:36:57)
- Intruder - ported to Unix :-) Rhialto (2006-08-31 14:09:49)
- Some one in Austria ? raycomp (2006-09-07 04:23:27)
- Magic Voice got emulated Grósz Attila (2006-09-11 15:09:10)
- CBM or Pet replica? Lord Doomicus (2006-09-16 02:36:20)
- cbm 8296 (was 8700-009) B Degnan (2006-09-23 10:57:59)
- 2001 chiclet keyboard Gabriele Bozzi (2006-09-26 23:50:00)
- Using ST-225 in a CBM D9090 hard drive B. Degnan (2006-10-01 00:21:15)
- An interesting chip for USB applications (wrong string) äkelä (2006-10-07 20:18:53)
- The VIC-40 that became Commodore 64 Anders Carlsson (2006-10-08 00:27:26)
- 9001 on Ebay !! Gabriele Bozzi (2006-10-15 21:48:50)
- Advise needed for SASI controller board replacement ruud.baltissen_at_abp.nl (2006-10-19 08:40:03)
- 8-bit Website updated André Fachat (2006-11-05 19:43:07)
- C128 Repair Pasi Ojala (2006-11-06 09:38:35)
- Malvern CBM 8296 Update B. Degnan (2006-11-16 05:10:31)
- Re: WTD: MOS 6545-1 (or Motorola's MC6845) B. Degnan (2006-11-16 17:32:24)
- PSD813 is a nice little chip Magnus Eriksson (2006-11-18 19:13:25)
- HCC fair Rhialto (2006-11-24 00:20:28)
- 8250LP problems Spiro Trikaliotis (2006-11-25 19:34:42)
- VC1581... almost... André Fachat (2006-11-26 16:48:30)
- Re: TFR Joel Ricci (2006-12-04 12:04:02)
- Cottonwood BBS is operational! Andrew Wiskow (2006-12-08 09:59:19)
- Batteries Included BI-80 WhiteWolf (2006-12-09 13:04:12)
- 82s100 to 27c512 adapter André Fachat (2006-12-17 23:37:22)
- Roll-your-own 1581 :-) André Fachat (2006-12-19 14:25:03)
- 8296-D switching power supply André Fachat (2006-12-20 00:56:20)
- Flash8 WhiteWolf (2006-12-21 00:27:20)
- PET repair info, 6502 coprocessor, PETs can use CS/A boards.. André Fachat (2006-12-22 20:36:06)
- SmartMouse WhiteWolf (2006-12-22 22:31:42)
- Commodore Trivia... André Fachat (2006-12-23 17:46:46)
- updates to the Floodgap KIM-1 site Cameron Kaiser (2006-12-28 08:15:53)
- SFD-1001 Problem Andrew Wiskow (2006-12-29 22:11:05)
- Re: Commodore Trivia William Levak (2006-12-30 06:37:53)
- Commodore Trivia... William Levak (2006-12-30 07:44:52)
- Another VIC-1541 issue William Levak (2007-01-02 06:18:24)
- PET Monitor André Fachat (2007-01-04 21:15:28)
- Commodore Trivia... (fwd) William Levak (2007-01-05 07:30:30)
- YIG DOS V2.1 1984 - Apparent MSD clone Craig Taylor (2007-01-08 05:32:19)
- Star Commander and the MSD-SD2 Cameron Kaiser (2007-01-08 05:56:37)
- WTD: 251101-01 Kernal ROM chip for SX-64 (UD3) B. Degnan (2007-01-09 04:29:45)
- Indus GT drive WhiteWolf (2007-01-10 11:38:49)
- Renewed my site Ruud_at_baltissen.org (2007-01-10 17:03:06)
- Adapting EPROM/SRAM to replace 6540/6550... Bryan Pope (2007-01-22 22:11:28)
- Cottonwood BBS is ALIVE and WELL! Andrew Wiskow (2007-01-24 07:20:10)
- SX-64 Service manual silverdr_at_inet.com.pl (2007-01-31 16:01:05)
- xa-2.3.2, dxa-0.1.2 released Cameron Kaiser (2007-01-31 20:03:53)
- MAX3420E/MAX3421E USB chips Spiro Trikaliotis (2007-02-02 19:03:27)
- C64c: Rolling picture Anders Carlsson (2007-02-08 13:05:50)
- GALs, JEDEC files, and GAL burner André Fachat (2007-02-10 01:12:13)
- SpeedDOS WhiteWolf (2007-02-16 09:11:13)
- MOS6702 ruud.baltissen_at_abp.nl (2007-02-22 16:29:30)
- 1581 problem Andrew Wiskow (2007-02-28 21:09:57)
- 1581 problem... continued Andrew Wiskow (2007-03-03 06:04:15)
- Commodore on CeBIT André Fachat (2007-03-07 08:39:11)
- fwd:Programing the mc6850 chip RayBryan (2007-03-07 19:55:32)
- RE: (was Commodore on CeBIT) - Correction Chuck Peddle, not Jack Tramiel B. Degnan (2007-03-09 04:44:31)
- Changing email address (wrong string) äkelä (2007-03-15 08:46:53)
- Items wanted... B. Degnan (2007-03-19 02:50:36)
- A couple of PET drive problems... Bryan Pope (2007-03-19 16:14:25)
- Nano syntax highlighting Jesper (2007-03-20 19:50:28)