Re: WTD: tandon 603s or 602s

From: B. Degnan (
Date: 2006-07-01 03:57:55

It does not hurt to ask for the real mccoy!  I have a couple 225's lying 
around but they're either bad or I am doing something wrong.  I have seen 
old posts regarding this substitution, but I have not had luck as of yet.
thanks for the reply

At 12:39 PM 7/1/2006 +1200, you wrote:
>On 7/1/06, B. Degnan <> wrote:
>>I am looking for a Tandon 603s or 602s hard drive for my d9090.  I realize
>>that this is a long-shot, they seem to be very scarce.
>You can use an ST-225 as if it were a TM602S.  Should pretty much
>behave as-is.  You will, of course, only get 5MB capacity out of it,
>but it's _lots_ easier to find an ST-225 than a 5MB or 7.5MB Tandon.
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