Re: VIC-1541 problem

From: Spiro Trikaliotis (
Date: 2006-12-18 08:15:28

Hello Andrew,

* On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 08:40:45PM -0300 Andrew Wiskow wrote:

> Marko, I'm afraid that all that is a little beyond my
> knowledge.  I'd be more than happy to mail the ROM to
> you if you'd send me your mailing address via e-mail. 
> Consider it my Christmas present to you!  ;-)

The program is rather easy (notice: It is optimized for readability, not
for speed):

 10 OPEN 1,8,15
 20 POKE 55,0:POKE 56,96:CLR:REM Make ROM for the image
 30 AD=24576
 40 FOR HI=224 TO 255
 45   PRINT HI:REM Output as progress indicator
 50   FOR LO=0 TO 255 STEP 32
 60     PRINT#1,"M-R"CHR$(LO)CHR$(HI)CHR$(32)
 70       FOR VAL=0 TO 31
 80         GET#1,A$:POKE AD,ASC(A$+CHR$(0))
 90         AD=AD+1
100       NEXT VAL
110   NEXT LO

Running this program (with the -03 ROM installed in your floppy #8), you
will see a counter going from 224 to 255.  After the program stopped,
the image of the ROM will be at $6000-$9FFF.  If you have a monitor,
just save that area into a file. If you do not have a monitor, enter the
following commands:

POKE 43,0:POKE 44,96:POKE 45,0:POKE 46,160:SAVE "ROM-03",8

Now, transfer the file "ROM-03" to a PC and mail it.


Spiro R. Trikaliotis                               

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