Any chance you could email me a .bin file of that which I can burn to a EPROM. After burning some BASIC 2 EPROMs, it seems I'm now getting a reset as the screen fills with garbage than after about 1/2 a second goes completely blank...I think this is progress. Phil On May 15, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) wrote: > Hallo Philip, > > >> One last question: did my voltages off the CPU look ok? > > Yes. A rather busy SYNCbut I know the 6502 halts when it reads $FF and > that could affect SYNC. > > Another idea: I once had te repair a 3016 I replaced the top ROM with > one of my own that just placed some text on the screen. That assured me > the CPU part + top ROM was OK and that I first had to concentrate on the > video part and then, if still needed, on the rest. > > > -- > ___ > / __|__ > / / |_/ Groetjes, Ruud > \ \__|_\ > \___| URL: > > > > De informatie in dit e-mailbericht is vertrouwelijk en uitsluitend bestemd voor de > geadresseerde. Wanneer u dit bericht per abuis ontvangt, verzoeken wij u contact op te > nemen met de afzender per kerende e-mail. Verder verzoeken wij u in dat geval dit > e-mailbericht te vernietigen en de inhoud ervan aan niemand openbaar te maken. > Wij aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor onjuiste, onvolledige dan wel ontijdige > overbrenging van de inhoud van een verzonden e-mailbericht, noch voor daarbij > overgebrachte virussen. > > APG Algemene Pensioen Groep NV is gevestigd te Heerlen en is ingeschreven in het > handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel Limburg onder nummer 14099617 > > > The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. > It may be read, copied and used only by the intended recipient. > If you have received it in error, please contact the sender immediately by > return e-mail; please delete in this case the e-mail and do not disclose it's > contents to any person. We don't accept liability for any errors, omissions, > delays of receipt or viruses in the contents of this message which arise as a > result of e-mail transmission. > > APG Algemene Pensioen Groep NV is registered in the trade register of the Chamber > of Commerce Limburg, The Netherlands, registration number: 14099617 > > > Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2011-05-15 10:00:22
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