Re: Commodore OS

Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 19:59:05 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Didier,

> I prefer the real one to a "canada dry" :)

And you typed this on a C128 with SCPU? :)

No offence meant but let's face it: most of us CBM-hackers use a PC 
for developing programs, sending/receiving emails, etc. etc. As OS 
most used are Windows, Linux and MacOS AFAIK. I could be wrong but 
I think there are much more Linux users then Windows users amongst 
us then what is averge in this world. Amongst technos Linux is 
considered much better the M$ Window$. I am a Windows user for 
various reasons, mainly because I grew up with DOS and W3.11 in a 
time where there didn't exist Linux.

Lately I gave my oldest son a quite fast PC with the newest Ubuntu 
so he could use it for school exercises. He doesn't need it for the 
moment and I already was thinking to get it back and see what I can 
do with it. And a Commodore interface sure makes it more atractive 
for me to work with it!

   / __|__
  / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud Baltissen
  \ \__|_\

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