Re: 6809 / 6702 puzzle

From: William Levak <wlevak_at_SDF.ORG>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 04:52:01 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>
On Sat, 7 Apr 2012, wrote:

> William - the 6702 is unlikely reveal its secrets by using an EPROM
   programmer to read it. I believe it contains internal latches (state)
> and would need both reading and writing to identify the internal content.
   The readback values may also depend upon the value that was
> previously written. I do believe (however) that the 6702 is a relatively
   simple device so it should be doable...

I was not planning on using an EPROM programmer.  The intention is to use 
a 20 pin DIP clip to connect the 6702 to a 24 pin DIP plug. I would then 
plug this into an adapter board I have made for my C64. This then appears 
as an expansion ROM on the C64, which I can read any way needed.

Currently holding up the project is the lack of a 20 pin DIP clip.
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