Re: <Q> C64 ULTIMAX mode-

From: Larry Anderson (
Date: 1999-09-25 19:42:58

Radioactive Warrior wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to find out what the 6510 sees at addresses $1000 - $7FFF
> in "ultimax mode".  My code kept crashing when I tried switching into
> ultimax mode (I had the ML at $2000) and as soon as I moved the ML to
> $0F00 (toggling /EXROM & /GAME with an external latch at $DE00, ala
> super snapshot) it worked on the first go...
> What decodes ULTIMAX addresses, the PLA?  Could someone list how the
> PLA behaves when /EXROM = 1 & /GAME = 0   ???  The c64 PRG does a
> piss-poor job, as per usual, of explaining it saying only $1000-7FFF
> and $A000-CFFF is "OPEN" in ultimax mode.
> Thanks,
> Zak
Sonewhere in the thousands of commodore disks, I have one titled ultimax game
disk (with a 64 loader), which includes various games that are 64 games today,
but there is one that stood out a really poor version of Wizard of Wor
(probably a competing contract programmer who was shot for submitting such
lousy work)..  I am not sure if I can find it easily, but it may have clues...

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  Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS  (209) 754-1363  300-2400 baud
      Commodore 8-bit page at:
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