On Wed, 10 Dec 2014, Martin Hoffmann-Vetter wrote: > Hello William, > >> I have list the -02 and -06 ROMs as revisons 1a and 2a because the are >> almost identical to revisons 1 and 2, and because Commodore didn't >> think they were significant enough to release world wide. > >> ROMs Revision >> 325302-01, 901229-01 r0 >> 325302-01, 901229-02 r1a Japan >> 325302-01, 901229-03 r1 >> 325302-01, 901229-05 r2 >> 325302-01, 901229-06 r2a Europe > > I think it's known that the revision part of the part number is chronology. > So the question is, why is p/n 901229-06 with revision 2a after revision 2 > with p/n 901229-05 when p/n 901229-02 with revision 1a is before revision 1 > with p/n 901229-03? Because there are only three bytes different between r1a and r1. That is, r1a is closest to r1. If you want it to be strictly chronological, then it should be r0z and r1. > So the 901229-02 must be a r0a or the 901229-02 is r1 and 901229-03 must be > r1a! > >> 901229-07 is known only from the parts list of the 1541B/C. > > Ist this the only reference? It is the only reference I can find. > Martin > > > > Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list > wlevak@sdf.lonestar.org SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2014-12-11 12:00:04
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