Digging biological memory now. AFAIR the incompatibility you refer to was mentioned in the context of writing the disk formatted with 4040, using 1541 (or the other way around :-) There should be no problem exchanging the disks for read only purposes. I need to check this in my files later. But the authors got something important wrong too. One of them insisted for a long time, even after the incdos book was published, that save and replace bug was a myth. -- Sent from mobile device. Please have understanding. On 18 June 2015 20:11:06 CEST, Ruud@Baltissen.org wrote: >Hallo Julian and everyone else, > > >> I wonder just what your reason for the question is.... > >First a remark on forehand: quite some I time ago I read "Inside >Commodore DOS" and that book mentioned that you couldn't exchange >floppies between a 1541 and a 4040. I never had problems with >exchanging floppy disks between the brown 1541, 1541C, 1541-II and >CBM 4040. > >I'm still busy with commenting the sources of the various ROMs and I >noticed that in version 901229-03 the number of bytes in the header >gap was increased from 8 to 9. This meant that 9 is also the value >used in 901229-05, -06AA and the 1541-II. And this is the value that >was already present in the CBM 4040. > >So it seems it was changed to 8 for the 1540 for one or another >reasons. I have a 1540 but, to be honest, I never used it for >programming, testing etc., etc.: I considered it too much as an >collectors item. The rest of my 1541s have all been equiped with the >05, even the older long-boards (not done by me). And I wanted to >know if this was a coincidense or was the 05 more wide spread than >anything else. > >Except changing the checksum, changing the size of the header gap at >two places was the only change of version 03. And these 9 bytes >triggered me to remember the book. And as said before, I never had >any, any problem at all so I thought the author must have it wrong >in one or another way. But what? >It now seems that the author must have been testing using a 01 or 02 >version. > >After remark: this afternoon I got the idea to check my spare >storage and that gave me another conformation of what is the most >used ROM inside the 1541: I _only_ have 901229-05s ! > > >-- > >Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen >www.Baltissen.org > > > > > > > > Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2015-06-18 19:01:38
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