Re: reading vic20 or c64 column

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 21:38:53 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On 2015-06-30 20:55, didier derny wrote:

>>> All the projects I found are using analog switch so I moved to this
>>> solution I found 3 chips, this one is different
>> I am not sure I understand this. Is your project going to use an
>> analogue switch IC or not? I take "yes", judging by the following parts.
> yes seems ok, several project use this solution or variation on this
> solution

I see. For a moment I thought that maybe you found a way to make it work
reliably w/o the switches. Those chips are quite budget hungry.

> I'm using bt module to avoid piercing hole in old cases

That's what I like about it. I'd imagine (my favourite approach) a kind
of riser board getting between the original kbd connectors and allowing
wireless KBD for the old machines. I love this idea.

> I want a very small slave board small enough to fit inside  a C116

Would be great, of course. Even if you have for example separate the
power supply unit to another small one (like if you need something else
than 5V) it might still be a viable approach.

>> I remember I looked at "Analog Devices" chip some time ago. I checked
>> now and found:
>> seems to be still "current", small and available in quantities but the
>> supply is either 12V or +/-5V, which incurs extra cost per board. But...
> I'll check this one but I don't like the 12v

The one you mentioned needs it too.

> Once it is working correctly on several machine, if someone wants to
> take the control of this project
> and produce the board... I'll give all the détails (there is only one
> condition, the goal of this project
> is not to make money but to produce a board with a modern keyboard for
> our old machines

Well, one doesn't even make a living with those things today, let alone
real money ;-) In any case, even if you offer the designs and
ready-to-produce files/documentation, expect that there always will be
some people who will try to "make money" by selling those on ebay or so.

> where the original
> keyboard is often faulty (I've never really been able to use my C116 due
> to keyboard problems)

I guess all C116s suffered the same fate. Their keyboards were probably
worse than Sinclair's ones.

> I've a small problem if I want to support the old pets the 8x8 is not
> enough

The family of chips I pointed you to has also 8x12 variant. That should
cover up to 96 keys, I guess.


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