Re: commodore 8032 software

From: william degnan <>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 09:48:17 -0400
Message-ID: <>
I would be happy to host the images as a mirror.  My web site is
backed up daily to S3 Amazon storage securely should there be an
emergency.  I have a lot of B Series D80's already hosted for download
from the B Series, feel free to contact me off list to arrange.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 1:38 AM, Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud)
<> wrote:
> Hallo Didier,
>> Is there any archive of disk images for the commodore 8032 .. 8096
> I'm sorry for answering so late. I have created a lot of images some years ago. But I told the list lately of the crash (or whatever) that affected quite some files and that had priority. I sorted out most things and it seems that the images are unaffected. I'll  make a ZIP of them and will upload it to my site. I'll let you all know.
> Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
> Ruud Baltissen
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