Re: 1541 Assy# 250442

Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2016 13:10:44 +0100
Message-Id: <>
> On 2016-11-24, at 06:10, William Levak <wlevak@SDF.ORG> wrote:
> Looking at the schmatic, I find a note that it is good for 250442 and 250446 with the following changes:
>     Component    250442      250446
>        UD4        9602       74LS123
>        R12        22K          15K
>        C31        33pF      Eliminated
> It appears that the same PCB was used for two different assemblies.

The problem is that 9602 and LS123 seem NOT to be pin compatible and I haven't noticed any patches on any of the 250442s I happen to have.

Maybe the note means that the schematic is valid /also/ for 250442 and 250446 with the mentioned changes? Which file is the schematic in question? Could you share it?


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