C= IC's (3)

Date: 2000-12-06 21:25:47

Hallo allemaal,

Here the list after your contributions. William and Marcello both gave the PN 
of the VIC-I, 6561, but William numbered it 901896-01 and Marcello 901986-01. 
Can you both check it in one or another way please?

Then the discussion about the 6530. Somebody said that he wanted some 901885's 
to replace his 6530's. (Sorry, but I throwed away some mail which I stored in 
the wrong directory so I forgot the name). Yesterday evening I found a chip 
only marked 6530. And this reminded me of something described on my site i 
6530.htm. The 6530 is a custom chip with I/O, RAM and ROM. But addressrange of 
the I/O and RAM could be customized as well !!! Take the KIM: it has 2 6530's 
and both CS1 chipselects are connected to K5. And yet the I/O "knows" to which 
address it belongs. This is made possible by factory internal masking. This 
simply means that, even in case you don't need the onboard ROM, you cannot 
replace one 6530 with another. (unless their masking is the same of course)
Partnumber  Chipcode    Contents                     Address     Used in
1001027-01              RF MODULATOR                             VIC-20
1EM301-003              R-W HEAD                                 1530-1531
1EM301-002              DC MOTOR                                 1530-1531

.           2016        2K*8 SRAM

251025-01               RF MODULATOR                             C64
251104-04               kernal rom                   E000-FFFF   C64 SX
                                                                 C64 DX
251257-02A                                                       SFD-1001
251527-01   see 8701
251535-01   see 8501
251536-01   see 8360
251640-03   see 6529
251641-02               7700-010 PLA                             Plus4
251715-01               C64-II array WO color-RAM                C64-II
251828-03               disk kontroller                          1571
251829-01               gate array                               1541C
251913-01               combined Kernal/Basic ROM    A000-BFFF   C64-II
251916-01               RF MODULATOR                             C128
251968-01               16KB ROM                     C000-FFFF   1541C

252126-01   see8362
252127-01   see8364
252179-01               OS ROM even                              A1000          
252180-01               OS ROM odd                               A1000
252371-01   see 5710
252535-01               C64-II array WITH color-RAM              C64-II

310654-03               dos v3.0, bug recognising                1571
                             single sided disk
310654-05               dos v3.0                                 1571
310389-01   see 8722

314592-01               SENSORS GROUP                            MPS802

315012-01   see 8721
315014-01   see 8563
315020-01   see 8502
315078-02               kernal rom                               C128
315079-01               character rom DIN 40 columns             C128
315090-01               dos                                      1570
315093-01               Kickstart 1.2                            A500           
315093-02               Kickstart 1.3                            A500

317040-01               jack                                     C16
317041-01               pirate adventure                         C16
317042-01               atomic mission                           C16
317043-01               strange adventure                        C16
317046-01               logo                         8000-BFFF   Plus4
317047-01               logo                         C000-FFFF   Plus4
317051-01               script/plus                  8000-BFFF   C16
317052-01               script/plus                  C000-FFFF   C16
317053-01               3 plus 1                     8000-BFFF   Plus4
317054-01               3 plus 1                     C000-FFFF   Plus4

318004-05               kernal                                   C16
318006-01               basic                                    C16

318008-01               dos v2.6                                 1551
318009-01   see 8566
318012-01   see 8500
318013-01   see 8580
318018-02   27128       basic rom                    4000-7FFF   C128
318018-03   27128       basic rom                    4000-7FFF   C128
318018-04   27128       basic rom, upgrade           4000-7FFF   C128
318019-02   27128       basic rom                    8000-BFFF   C128
318019-03   27128       basic rom                    8000-BFFF   C128
318019-04   27128       basic rom, upgrade           8000-BFFF   C128
318020-03   27128       kernal rom US                            C128
318020-04   27128       kernal rom US                            C128
318020-05   27128       kernal rom US, upgrade                   C128
318022-02   27256       basic rom                    4000-BFFF   C128D-MC
318023-02   27256       kernal rom US +                          C128D-MC
                           kernal & basic C64 mode                     
318029-03   see 8520                           
318045-01   27256       dos v10                                  1581
318047-01               dos v3.1                                 1571CR
318069-02   see 8372
318071-01   see 8371
318072-01               GARY (floppy and misc. logic)            A500
318072-02               GARY (floppy and misc. logic)            A500
318077-01   27256       kernal rom DIN +                         128D-MC
                           kernal & basic C64 mode
318077-03   27256       kernal rom DIN +                         C128D-MC
                           kernal & basic C64 mode


325302-01   2364        ROM                          C000-DFFF   1541
325303-01               rom                                      1540
325340-03   6500/1      MPU                                      1520           
325341-01               ROM                                      1526
325572-01               gate array                               1541-II

380212-07               PLA                                      PC10
380785-01   PAL                                                  A2000

390059-01               character rom US 40 columns              C128
390084-01   68000       CPU 10 MHz
390304-01               OS V2.04                                 A????
390433-02   8373R4      DENISE                           
390540                  FAT GARY                     
390563-01               DMAC                                     A590
390629-01               OS V2.04                                 A3000          
390630-01               OS V2.04                                 A
390852-01               kernal & basic rom                       C64GS
390979-01               OS V2.04                                 A

391010-01               ALICE                              
391078-01               8520PL                           
391227-01               LISA                              
391388-01               OS V2.05      
391424-02               GAYLE                              
391523-01               OS V3.00      

.           5710        CIA-like chip                            1571CR
.           5719 

600422-75               LAG570 MOTOR CTRL.                       1541C
601020-03               PAPER FEED MOTOR                         MPS803
601020-95               HEAD MOTOR                               MPS803
601200-48               HEAD MOTOR                               MPS802
601200-53               HEAD DRIVING BELT                        MPS802
604010-07               PCB ASSY MOTOR CTRL.                     1541C

.           6116        2K*8 SRAM

.           6502        CPU, 1 MHz
.           6502A       CPU, 2 MHz
.           6502B       CPU, 3 MHz
.           6504        CPU                           
.           6505        CPU                           
.           6509        CPU                           
.           6520        PIA, Peripheral Interface Adapter
                                     , 6821-clone                     
.           6522        VIA, Versatile Interface Adapter
.           6522A       VIA 2 MHz                           
.           6525        TPI, Tri-Port Interface
.           6526        CIA, Complex Interface Adapter
.           6526A       CIA 2 MHz                           
.           6529        28p version of 6525                      1551
.           6530        I/O, RAM, ROM
.           6532        RIOT
.           6545        CRT, Motorola 6845-clone
.           6550        1K*4 SRAM                       
.           6551        ACIA                  
.           6560        VIC-I  NTSC                              VIC-20
.           6561        VIC-I  PAL                               VIC-20
.           6567        VIC-II NTSC
.           6569        VIC-II PAL
.           6570-036    AMIGA keyboard controler      
.           6581        SID
.           65816       CPU, 16 bit version of 6502

.           68000       CPU                                      A500

.           6809        CPU
.           68766       EPROM      Motorola equivalent of 2364            

.           8360        TED                           
.           8361R3                                    
.           8362R8      DENISE (OCS video chip, PAL)               
.           8364R4      PAULA      (audio)            
.           8364R7      PAULA      (audio)            
.           8367R0      AGNUS               
.           8370        FAT AGNUS, NTSC
.           8371        FAT AGNUS, PAL                
.           8372A       BIG FAT AGNUS            

.           8500        CPU = 6510                               C64-II
.           8501        CPU                                      Plus4
.           8502        CPU                                      C128           
.           8520        CIA alike, 2 MHz
.           8563R9      VDC 80 columns                           C128
.           8565R2      VIC-II                                   C64-II
.           8566R3      VIC 40 columns                           C128
.           8568        VDC 80 columns                           C128D-MC
.           8580        SID                                      C64-II

.           8701        clock generator                     
.           8721R3      PLA addressdecoder                       C128
.           8722R2      MMU                                      C128

901225-01   2364        character ROM                            C64
901226-01   2364        basic ROM                                C64
901227-03   2364        kernal ROM                               C64
901229-01   2364        ROM                          E000-FFFF   1541
901436-01   see 6520
901437-01   see 6522
901438-01   see 6550
901447-29                                                        MMF9000
901465-01                                                        MMF9000
901465-02                                                        3032
901465-20                                                        3032
901465-21                                                        3032
901465-22                                                        3032
901465-23                                                        3032
901467                                                           8050
901435-01   see 6502
901437-01   see 6522
901458-01   see 6532
901460-03               character rom                            VIC-20
901482-03                                                        8050
901482-04                                                        8050
901482-05               upgrade of 04 ??                         8050
901482-07               upgrade of 03 ??                         8050
901483-04                                                        8050
901484-03                                                        2031LP
901484-05                                                        2031LP
901486-01               basic ROM                                VIC-20
901486-07               kernal ROM                   E000-FFFF   VIC-20
901502-01   4066        quad analog switch
901522-06   7406        hex OC invertor buffer
901522-30   7407        hex OC buffer
901527-01   7812        12V voltage regulator
901527-02   7805        5V voltage regulator
901640-01               SCAND.GEN                                MMF9000
901885-01   6530-47     RIOT DOS 2.7                             8050
901885-04   6530-47     RIOT DOS 2.7                             8050
901887-01   6530                                                 SFD-1001
901888-01   6530                                                 SFD-1001
901895-01   see 6551
901896-01   see 6561

902503-06               power supply                             C64

906106-01   XTAL        17.734 MHZ
906107-01   see 6510
906108-01   see 6526
906111-01   see 6569
906112-01   see 6581
906114-01   82S100      PLA                                      C64
906150-02   see Z80

CO-10750    6532        Atari-code, surplus                      8050
.           M58725P     2K*8 SRAM                                SFD-1001
.           TMM2016P    2K*8 SRAM                                2031LP
.           Z80         CPU                                      C128


Groetjes, Ruud


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