Re: 16K memory expansion for Vic-20

From: MagerValp (
Date: 2001-01-10 14:51:06

>>>>> "RB" == Ruud Baltissen <> writes:

RB> Hallo Per, I can add at least one simplification to your design.
RB> RAM doesn't care what addresspin is connected to which
RB> addressline.

Ah, of course. That's what I get for designing expansions in the
middle of the night :)

RB> The reason you cannot use this trick with ROMs (like replacing a
RB> 2364 with a 2764) is obvious: you cannot use ROMs programmed by
RB> people using the the original pinouts.

Fortunately there's a 2364 -> 2764 adaptor in every Swedish C64. Quite
handy :)

RB> The simplification is 1) connect RAM-pin 23 (A11) to ROM-pin 21
RB> (A12) 2) connect RAM-pin 2 (A12) to ROM-pin 18 (A11)

I'll add this to the page. Thanks!

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +
     -       +            +    .
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