Re: Problems running VIMM & VVV (Was: 2114 chips needed?)

From: Spiro Trikaliotis (
Date: 2001-01-11 07:57:19


"MagerValp" wrote:

> >>>>> "Pasi" == Ojala Pasi 'Albert' <> writes:

> Pasi> I would advice you to make a uniqueness test also. Poke the high
> Pasi> part of the address to each location, and only after this read
> Pasi> them back.


> PS: I expanded the memory test program to incorporate address bus
>     testing.

When doing this expansion, wouldn't it be a good idea to make a uniqueness
test also with the low-part, in case the low address bits have problems?
Writing the memory with a pseudo-random sequence would then be "the dot of
the 'I'" for this test...


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