Re: C-128 and Jeri board

From: Professor Dredd (
Date: 2001-05-01 18:11:09


--- Robin Harbron <> wrote:
> Bo Zimmerman wrote:
> > Hmm.. since my printer uses a geoCable, I would
> vote to KEEP the user port.
> > :)

What if you could plug an adaptor into the geek-port
for User port devices?

> And a lot of folks use the cassette port to power
> their
> serial printer interfaces.  I do, sometimes -
> 'though
> lately I've just been using my trusty MPS 1200 :)

These printer interfaces will be unnecessary if we can
have a TRUE RS-232 port standard. If you're still
using an old Centronix-only printer ... WHY?

I see where you all are coming from, and I understand
the desire to use a newer printer. Truthfully, My
MPS-802 works fine for my purposes (program listings.)

The question we need to answer is, what kind of port
do you want to connect your printer to? I would
suggest one or more of the following possibilities:


If you MUST use a Centronix printer, it can be driven
from the geek-port using a modded GEOCable device.
There is no need for an external interfact device and
therefore, no need for a cassette port to draw
external power from.

I am assuming Jeri will emulate a 6526 at the GeekPort
anyway. I wonder what other cool I/O she might be
planning for that port?

> -- 
> Robin Harbron <-- Please note the
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