RE: Update on my projects
Date: 2001-07-31 04:10:11

Hi Ruud, and others,

I've also spent some time looking at the memory refresh issue with the
larger SIMMs and think I've identified the best way to do this, all using a
D-flipflop and two inverters for the refresh and 74257/258 for the
multiplexing the additional 8address lines giving the C64 access to 16MB.
Jameco still sell 16MB 30-pin SIMMs so hardware could be quite minimal.

The trick with refresh is *not* to use the CAS-before-RAS scheme which seems
to be the most popular approach from previous discussions, but to use hidden
refresh, that is performing a CBR within a normal access cycle. This saves a
lot of decoding and would on paper work because the larger DRAMS are also

Having had time to check the specs for the VIC-II at:

it seemed feasible to divide the /RAS into two shorter pulses. As /CAS is
left unchanged, the normal data access remains available for reads by either
the CPU and VIC and meets their set-up timing requirements. The division of
the /RAS signal is closely tied to a 4MHz signal derived from the 8MHz DOT
clock, and hence is 125ns long (ie suits 125ns RAMs which is fast enough for
most 30pin SIMMs). The only question mark I can see is that the worst case
spec for the on-set of the normal /RAS generated by the VIC is 190ns after
clocking reference which on some VIC chips might mean it gets missed.... The
circuit needs it to be before 187.5Ns... but I'm figuring the propagation
delays will work in our favour and it should be Ok (or a small RC on the
inverter input can extend the delay). Timing and circuit are at

How it works:
The normal /RAS signal holds the D-ff in an inactive state whilst high, but
when it goes low for a normal access, the D-ff acts as a divide/2 counter
and two /RAS pulses are emitted each 125ns in width, before RAS goes high
again. On some VICs the second pulse may get cut short to ~100ns.

With this circuit only the RAS line needs to be intercepted.

I haven't built it yet to prove that it works though, but logic checks out
in a digital simulator.

- Nick

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruud Baltissen []
Sent: Monday, 30 July 2001 7:27 PM
Subject: Update on my projects

Hallo allemaal,

I don't know who also monitors CommodoreOne and/or comp.sys.cbm so I give
you the things I'm working on at the moment.

1) I realised a small board with a 65816, 6526A and some glue-logic capable
of replacing a 6510. Last weekend I put three more ICs on the board and now
I'm capable of using the full 16 MB range on a C64 !!!
The idea is quite simple. First I detect if the 65816 addresses the first 64
KB segment or not using a 688 8-bit comperator and an invertor. The onboard
I/Olines P0..2 are ANDed with the output of the invertor. This simply means
that selecting any other then the first segment puts the C64 in RAM-only
mode ie. I/O and ROMs are disabled.
I already replaced my 4164's with 41256's but I am still have to add a
74LS157 or 257. Notice: _not_ the "A"-version. The idea is that when the
VIC-II needs to access the DRAMs directly, it tristates the 257A's. The
157/257 outputs a (L) which means the first 64 KB segment of the 41256's are
choosen automatically.
You want to use the extra segments for other purposes? All you have to do is
to disable the CAS-signal towards the DRAMs for the wanted range (it can be
any size !!!)

I intend to install 1 MB using four 30-pins SIMMs which means I need some
more glue-logic.
Question: I do have the pinouts of 30-pin SIMM's on paper somewhere :( Has
any body them at hand in E-form, or a URL, please?

2) The day befor I went on hollyday I got the weird idea of connecting an
IDE-HD directly to a 1541 using the three I/O ports of the 6522's: the free
A-one and the two normally used for the diskcontroller. The only thing which
has to be done is writing a new Kernal. Advantage: no complicated
soldering/board needed.
Spin offs: using a 1571, 4040 or 8x50 board as base.

3) In Poland I realised that the same trick can be performed with a C64: use
the keuboard lines as databus and use the userport for the controllines. It
took me 15 minutes soldering and about 45 minutes to make a nice hole in the
side of the case to fit a connector for the HD in.
Next step: writing some simple SW to see if this works at all.

  / __|__
 / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
 \ \__|_\

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