Re: 8032-SK/3016

From: Ruud Baltissen (
Date: 2001-08-22 12:58:31

Hallo Adrian,

> Thanks, I'll have a poke around under them this evening, as soon as I've
> figured how to get power to the board whilst being able to access its
> underside...

To save you some puzlling:
- turn the monitor counter clockwise until you can lift it
- disconnect it from the mainbody
- renove the screws that disable you to open the mainbody
- remove the two screws that keep the power-inlet and fuse on its place
- open the body
- remove the powersuplly connector
- remove the keyboard connector
- remove the screws that hold the mainboard on its place
- remove the IEEE- and Userport-connector
  / __|__
 / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
 \ \__|_\

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