Commodore datassette for the Oric-1

From: Marko Mäkelä (
Date: 2002-04-07 09:15:38

  • Next message: Richard Atkinson: "Re: Commodore datassette for the Oric-1"
    I wanted to test the C2N232 device on the Oric-1.  The bad news are that 
    the Oric-1 tape format is not supported by the current C2N232 firmware, 
    which only knows about symmetric pulses.  Short pulses on the Oric-1 are 
    symmetric (50% duty cycle), but the longer pulses have 66% or 33% duty 
    cycle.  Also, I could not fully figure out the logical tape format in 
    reasonable time.
    The good news are that the Oric-1 was improved in the process.  Since 
    the Oric tape connection has been designed for regular tape decks, I had 
    to locate a spot where the TTL-level cassette read and write lines are 
    located.  Now, this C2N interface for the Oric-1 has been documented at
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