Re: CP/M programming for the C128?

From: Niklas Ramsberg (
Date: 2003-01-28 16:46:44

Hej allihopa!

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 09:46:22 +0100
"Mikael Holm" <> wrote:

> According to my C128 Programmers Guide (from Compute) there is a 
> subfunction of the USER-call to execute 8502 code and then return to 
> CP/M... But as usual with interresting stuff in books, there's no
> examples so I'm a bit stuck...

Double-Ass by René van Belzen handles both Z80 and 8502 code (in the
same source). It uses the C128 Basic editor, so it won't be of interest
for you if you want to program from within CP/M but this piece of code
from the manual might be of interest:

Switching between processors
--------- ------- ----------

Switching between the 8502 microprocessor and the Z-80 microprocessor
is a delicate business, which should be programmed with care. Use the
following subroutine to assure crash-free operation.

1000 *= $8000      ; start on $8000 (change if necessary)
1010 .LIS N        ; no listing
1020 .OBJ M        ; object code in memory
1030 :
1040 :             ; This part is essential, no errors allowed
1050 :
1060 LDA $FF00     ; MMU bank configuration register
1070 PHA           ; save it on stack
1080 SEI           ; disable the system interrupt
1090 LDA #$C3      ; store Z-80 opcode - JP
1100 STA $FFEE     ; on boot-link address $FFEE .. $FFF0
1110 LDA #<Z80     ; lobyte Z-80 routine, defined below
1120 STA $FFEF
1130 LDA #>Z80     ; hibyte Z-80 routine
1140 STA $FFF0
1150 LDA #$3E      ; set the configuration register
1160 STA $FF00     ; with the appropriate value
1170 LDA $D505     ; save the mode configuration register
1180 PHA           ; for later
1190 LDA #$B0      ; and set the mode configuration
1200 STA $D505     ; to 'Z-80 active'
1210 :             ; when this last instruction is executed
1220 :             ; the Z-80 is active and the 8502 is frozen
1230 NOP           ; IMPORTANT: give the 8502 time to start
1240 PLA           ; now back in good ol' 8502 mode
1250 STA $D505     ; restore old mode configuration
1260 PLA           ; and
1270 STA $FF00     ; old memory configuration
1280 CLI           ; enable the system interrupt
1290 RTS           ; end of essential subroutine
1300 :
1500 :             ; Routine for the Z-80
1510 :
1520 Z80           ; Label for the Z-80 routine (s.a. above)
1530 .MOD 1        ; Z-80 opcodes now valid in assembler
1540 LD A, $3F     ; change value of configuration register
1550 LD ($FF00), A ; to the appropriate value
1560 :
1570 :             ; *** sample program
1580 :             ;     - clear VIC-II graphic screen
1590 :
1600 LD A, $00     ; Fill byte $00 on the first
1610 LD ($2000), A ; location of graphic screen ($2000)
1620 LD HL, $2000  ; load HL with address value $2000
1630 LD DE, $2001  ; load DE with address value $2001
1640 LD BC, 7999   ; load BC register with 7999
1650 :             ; (number of bytes to fill)
1660 LDIR          ; execute (HL) -> (DE), 7999 times
1670 :
1680 :             ; *** end of sample program
1690 :
1700 :             ; Crucial for the switch back
1710 :
1720 JP $FFE0      ; jump to bootlink routine in the Z-80 ROM
1730 :             ; i.e. switch 8502 on, and Z-80 off

Double-Ass can be downloaded from my C128 page:

/Niklas Ramsberg

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