PC20-III IDE interface

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (ruud.baltissen_at_abp.nl)
Date: 2003-11-21 15:12:00

Hallo allemaal,

I'm still busy with disassembling the ROM of my PC20-III. The reason why I
started this work was to find out how I can replace its HD with another
type. The only thing I can say is that until now it makes no sense :( AFAIK
it only uses four I/O addresses: 0320h..0323h, not the six I expect for a
normal IDE-HD. Even stranger is the following code:

; [AA79]
FillDX322_326	proc	near
			push	cs
			pop	dx			
			cmp	dh,0FAh		; CS = $FAxx? 
			mov	dx,322h
			jz	loc_AA86		; yes, ->
			add	dx,4			; DX := $0326
			in	al,dx			; port 326h 
FillDX322_326	endp

The value used to fill DX depends on wether CS = 0FA00h or not! The only
time I know CS is 0FA00h is right after a reset when the PC is scanned for
"external" ROM with the well known "55 AA" identification code. For the
rest, I havent the faintest idea. The only thing I can think of adding
another IDE-interface with its own _same_ ROM which is executed on another

Other info: AFAIK the interface is initialized by writing 6 values to the
same I/O address. This sounds like initializing a floppydrive. The only
thing I can imagine is that C= developed a floppy-like interface that on its
turn outputs IDE-signals. Any comment on this subject is very welcome.

PS: I have some vacation for a week so it is possible I won't react on react
on amy email untill december 1st.

   / __|__
  / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
  \ \__|_\
   \___|       http://Ruud.C64.org


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