Spiro. Thanks for that information - very detailed and enlightening. Odd that it only checks the upper 8K, particularly as it's contained in a single 128kbit ROM. Armed with your information, I'll have a poke around inside :) RE: the KU-14194HB I've managed to revive this board. The symptom was a black screen output. After testing the normal suspects (PLA, VIC, kernel ROM), I pulled out an oscilloscope, and quickly determined that it was, in fact, running - just no luminance output, (only chroma). It's very definitely a KU board - pictures of the worklog can be found at https://secure.flickr.com/photos/12745816@N04/sets/72157648230302766/ Thanks for the tip re: leaky electrolytics in the video can. I've seen it before in my personal original 250407 board - it was very nasty. Recapping the board is definitely on my to-do list, and although the caps in the video can do not appear to be leaking, they'll definitely be cooked. As an aside - KU boards seem to have a bad reputation for edgy timing glitches, but this one seems OK. It runs an Easyflash3 quite happily, even in kernel replacement mode, and handles VSP without memory corruptons - I guess I just got lucky. The SID is running awful hot in this example - It still works fine, but it's of concern. I'll likely drop a heatsink on it before I'm done. I'm still puzzled that a schematic for this rather quirky board seems to be MIA. Julian Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2014-10-06 22:00:03
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