> On 2018-03-16, at 07:56, Gerrit Heitsch <gerrit@laosinh.s.bawue.de> wrote: > >>> Oh, and I'm not going to get an Ultimate-64. Part of the fascination of these old systems is that if they stop working, I can hook up my scope, warm up the soldering iron and fix them myself. You won't be able to do that with the Ultimate. If it stops working, you're SOL. >> >> Well - since the content is open-sourced, you can probably repair it faster then the other boards as there aren't that many components to fail/check. True - far from retro-repair-fun but other than that? > > The main problem is the big BGA, there is no real way you can work on that at home. All the other SMD stuff might be debatable, if you can get replacements. BGA is indeed a PITA but not a complete show stopper. I haven't mounted one myself, only "reflowed"[*] twice (iBook) and removed a few times ;-) but with a proper rework station and some experience that should be fine too. * - far from proper reflow, just heated with an IR gun until solder melted enough -- SD! - http://e4aws.silverdr.com/Received on 2018-03-20 19:00:03
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