cbm-hackers mailing list
by subject
- (Fwd) 65816->6502
- 1520? gears
- 1541 bad R/W head
- 1541 RAM tester?
- 1541C reset behaviour
- 1702(T) monitor with unknown schematic
- 264 Hardware Spec
- 5717 spec sheet:parts list 4th gate
- 6502-as-6509 project: update and question...
- 710/720 hires board found!
- 8050/8250 schematics - replacing the drives and analogue board with PC style drives
- 8088 card replica
- 8296 PLA
- Any source to download ICPUG disk images?
- basic1-patch from vice in a real PET
- Better 8296 Schematics?
- Building a 6502 peripheral - timing
- C128 Basic ROM 1986 version
- C128 ROM listing?
- CBM 3032 (PET 2001N-32), no video?
- CBM 710: Replacing Power Supply - Help Needed
- CBM softwarez - let's solve the soft-rom mystery.
- CBM-II solderless memory expansion
- cbmlink with 3032/3040 pair
- commodore 8000 extension above the $8000-$8FFF or $E800-$E8FF
- Commodore 8010, anyone?
- commodore 8032 64k extension
- commodore 8032 vga / ports to monitor
- Commodore PET 64K memory expansion board using with Supersoft Graphics board
- Commodore PLC TIB DD-001 / Drive 2001
- connectors power supply 8296 / cbm 710
- CUPL software for programming Signetics 82S100
- Datatronic SCIP
- Diagnostic / burnin discs for download!
- Final H4-ROM patch
- firmware for 8296
- Flat C128: VIC and SID circuits and components
- For those struggling with migration to KiCAD
- Found something interesting re MS-DOS
- Fwd: C128 ROM listing?
- General 6809 card for 6502 machines
- Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502?
- HSG-board installed and testet!
- HSG-board installed!
- Images of the disks for the PC-1
- japanese 64 kernal disassembled
- looking for the diagnostics disk for the 8296 (includes LOS-96)
- Looking for the elusive "Expanded VisiCalc v1.76a, for the Commodore 8096"
- Mailing list changes
- Monitor/Assembler 2001!
- MOS/CSG Kicad library
- Non-6502 ROM used for software key?
- Old 1541 (Alps mech) drive belt replacements
- paradroid
- perfect option rom-set for 30xx
- PET 2001 internal tape drive
- PET 2001 RAM question
- PET 2001N $E8xx data bus conflict?
- pet crtc 40 columns tester?
- PET Editor ROM update - 35 lines on 8296
- PET Graphic, Font, 40/80, Composite and Audio Boards
- PET picture perusal
- PET(?) ROM images
- Power source windings noise
- power supply for cbm8296
- ps/2 for cbm 700
- Punter
- rom adapter four our old commodores
- SDcard PET-Tape-connector
- someone selling a 6530 on ebay (I guess for a 8050)
- Something else... 8501 GATE-IN
- strange 2001N fault
- Strange CBM710 with 3.5" drive
- Super*Tool disassebled?
- Test suite for 6509 processor
- Ultimate-64
- what program for disassemble?
- Where top publish my creations?
- Wireless - switchless kernal mod