Hello! The widely known method of expanding a CBM-II memory requires soldering several things on the motherboard, which is doable but not for the faint of the heart. Alternatively you can also use the expansion port to connect a big SRAM chip which could expand the memory for the 6509, but it would not be seen by the 8088 card. So I thought about an easier way to expand the memory. The standard method uses 41256 chips instead of 4164. But how about using 4464 instead of 4164? The memory banks would still be 64kB in size, which means that all that is needed is a custom PLA; PLA is socketed on most motherboards so it could be a straightforward expansion. Just to test the waters, I replaced a row of 4164's today with two 4464's and it works fine. Did anybody go down this route before? Regards, Michau.Received on 2018-04-12 23:00:03
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