I have version supplied from exp.port, but I have a "strong" PC PSU. But, it's terrible, when the heads are moving, the C64 screen blinks... The save error isn't caused by a supply decrease, other experiments return messages "name to long" (not too long...) or "disk is write protected". But there is a little progress. Disassembling revelead different offsets in tools and ROM. E.g. tools calls: JSR $89DB but correct (and working) according to ROM is: JSR $89D9 LHS Spiro Trikaliotis wrote: > * On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 12:37:37PM +0200 Tomas Vondracek wrote: > >> Anyone have the manual or experience with this drive? I can format a floppy >> disk via SYS 32783, but I can't save any data. > > I do not have any experience. In fact, I never even heard about this > drive. > > I did a quick search and found this page: > http://www.retroport.de/C64_C128_Laufwerke.html > There is a scan of two pages from the German magazine 64'er. > > They say that the drive is very unreliable if used with the orginal PSU, > because it has spikes with more than 1.1A, that is too much for the PSU. > At least for Germany, the drives that are sold should get an own PSU. > > This should not happen with a PSU from GB, however. > > Perhaps, you have the same problem? > > Regards, > Spiro. >Received on 2018-04-15 22:00:03
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