Re: 6502 to 7501/8501 converter

From: Mario Kienspergher <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 21:18:50 +0200
Message-ID: <>
OK, next try ... answering to the list ... sorry.

> I also have images from my scope which show the same behaviour. What's 
> left now is to explain that behaviour.
>  Gerrit

The TED system manual of which scans were presented here some time ago 
explains the behaviour quite well including timing diagrams. It 
correspondens to the HDL implementation if I understand it correctly.

See chapter 5.5.2:
* R/W from the 6502 core is put through transparently to the R/W pin if 
MUX is HIGH and is latched when MUX is LOW.
* If MUX goes back to HIGH the latch is released and the (maybe 
meanwhile changed) R/W-signal from the core is put through again. This 
is why you think you see a change at the rising edge. IMHO it is not 
edge triggered but a transparent latch.
* If MUX goes HIGH when AEC is LOW then R/W is changig to HIGH-Z until 
AEC is HIGH when MUX is changing from LOW to HIGH.

See also chapter 5.4:
"If AEC is low when Gate In [a.k.a MUX, remark] makes a low to high 
transition, the R/W line will go to a high impedance until the next 
transition of the Gate In line and AEC is high prior to the transition."

The not-so-complete version (I think) of that manual can be found here:

Anyway chapters 5.4 and 5.5.2 are present there, too.

Received on 2018-06-18 22:00:04

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