> On 2020-02-20, at 07:31, Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <ruud.baltissen_at_apg.nl> wrote: > > Hallo Patryk, > >> http://www.commodorecorp.com/ > > The last update on this site is over six years old while the last update on https://www.c64forever.com/log/ (by Cloanto) mentions 2019-12-06. And also: various links end into an 404 error. Not something you expect from an alive firm. That's what I meant when I wrote that it doesn't smell any good. > So IMHO Cloanto holds the rights. But how far go these rights? > >> https://www.facebook.com/cbm.commodore/ > > I don't use facebook so I cannot help you here. You don't have to use faecebook. The link should work even if you don't. It will only nag you to become a valued member :-) but you can ignore this valued invitation. -- SD!Received on 2020-05-30 00:57:14
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