Re: a CIA riddle - please run these tests

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 12:51:36 +0200
Message-ID: <2027487.gBsaNRSFpC_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, 00:00:23 CEST schrieb
> > On 2020-06-18, at 17:37, wrote:
> >
> > Howdy Hackers!
> >
> > Now run the "delay2-new" and "delay2-old" programs. Green border means
> > "test passed", and will generally tell if you have a "new" or "old" CIA.
> > [...] [...]
> > 4.prg 5.prg 6.prg should pass on any type of CIA (green border means
> > passed) *-new.prg should pass on "new" CIA and fail on "old" CIA
> > *-old.prg should pass on "old" CIA and fail on "new" CIA
> >
> > To confirm the above, make sure to really run ALL programs and please tell
> > which fail and which do not. Especially interesting are results that are
> > different from the above expected behaviour. Also interesting are tests
> > done on C128D and/or using a CIA [...]
> Since you consistently use singular above, which CIA position matters?

The tests in the zip use CIA1 to prevent any interference with the IEC bus
(which shouldnt be a problem, but who knows). In a C128 thats U1, afaik.

We just got a second report of timestamp 4485 behaving different to any other
tested ones so far. Thats really unexpected and weird :)


Mit Statistiken kann ich alles beweisen, nur nicht die Wahrheit.
Received on 2020-06-19 13:01:03

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