Re: a CIA riddle - please run these tests

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 13:43:42 +0200
Message-Id: <>
> On 2020-06-19, at 13:04, wrote:
>>> Since you consistently use singular above, which CIA position matters?
>> The tests in the zip use CIA1 to prevent any interference with the IEC bus
>> (which shouldnt be a problem, but who knows). In a C128 thats U1, afaik.
> i attached another zip on the ticket at sourceforge, which contains the tests
> for CIA2 - so you can run both if you have different ones in the machine.

I took the one from:

There's discrepancy on the naming between readme and files: 

... Now run the "delay2-new" and "delay-old" ...

there's "delay2-old. But..

Both CIAs are marked 1386 (I expect it to be "new")

First prgs give green. The "delay2*" prgs seem to insist that I have "old" CIA(s): "new" gives red, "old" gives green. Then the remaining prgs all "old" give red while all "new" give green. Expectations swapped in the "delay2" prgs?

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