Re: a CIA riddle - please run these tests

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 13:58:56 +0200
Message-ID: <3493908.MLUfLXkozy_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, 13:43:42 CEST schrieb
> > On 2020-06-19, at 13:04, wrote:
> >>> Since you consistently use singular above, which CIA position matters?
> >>
> >> The tests in the zip use CIA1 to prevent any interference with the IEC
> >> bus
> >> (which shouldnt be a problem, but who knows). In a C128 thats U1, afaik.
> >
> > i attached another zip on the ticket at sourceforge, which contains the
> > tests for CIA2 - so you can run both if you have different ones in the
> > machine.
> I took the one from:
> 538e31942f/ba33/attachment/
> There's discrepancy on the naming between readme and files:
> ... Now run the "delay2-new" and "delay-old" ...
> there's "delay2-old. But..
> Both CIAs are marked 1386 (I expect it to be "new")
> First prgs give green. The "delay2*" prgs seem to insist that I have "old"
> CIA(s): "new" gives red, "old" gives green. Then the remaining prgs all
> "old" give red while all "new" give green. Expectations swapped in the
> "delay2" prgs?

thats the expected result actually... the "old" tests were captured on a (also
detected as "old") 6526 with 4485 timestamp. and - which is the reason for
asking here - the same tests fail on other "old" CIAs.

(6526 that dont have the extra 206 or 216 marking are "old" usually, the delay
tests use the commonly accepted method for detection, so that result should be
pretty safe)



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<Sahra Wagenknecht, Die Linke>
Received on 2020-06-19 15:00:03

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