On 11/18/21 12:55 PM, Frank Wolf wrote: > The 7501/8501 used in the C264/plus4 series sacrificed one of the port > bits internally to add the infamous GATE_IN logic. > > The rest of the chip layout is identical to the 8500 (==6510). > > Here's a solution which uses a 6502 instead of the 6510 to mimic the > 8501 functionality: > > https://gitlab.com/toms01/6502a_or_w65c02_at_8501 The annoying part of the 6510 ist that they left out P6 and P7. When you want to use this port for IO, having Bit 6 and 7 makes certain things way easier since you can work with the BIT command of the 6502 which will transfer those 2 Bit into the status register, allowing you then to directly use branch commands. GerritReceived on 2021-11-18 14:02:00
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