They're useful if you permanently want to include Read-only values in memory to be made available for use without having to load from disk. GAL chips are different. Commodore computers usually reserve some memory space for custom/supplemental/special ROMs that can be inserted by the user. You'll see an open socket on the motherboard for these. For example, the company that published Visicalc software took advantage of the opportunity of an open ROM slot on the PET and included an ePROM that contained library code that the system would make available to the program loaded from software, so that you did not have to include the code on the program disk. All you had to do was install the ROM. ePROMs are programmable (by an end user) ROMs. You could in theory take on the official Visicalc ROMs, read it into a ePROM programmer and alter the contents. You could then burn a copy of the altered code and save into a custom ePROM for use with Visicalc. To make your own eProm you need to know where in memory and how much space in memory you're allocated. Usually the computer's voltage is set for an intended type of ePROM (such as a 2716). In short an ePROM is a programmable chip that contains read-only memory consisting of printer drivers, small utility code, bootstrap programs, special instructions, etc. Sometimes people make their own ePROMs - copy of a cartridge (ePROM) game. Bill On Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 4:09 PM Terry Raymond <> wrote: > I have a question I dont know much about Eprom programmers but here goes: > > Will most Eprom programmers create I guess MOS or CMOS logic chips? > > I have 2 older XGECU TL866 II Plus programmers USB interface > I noticed in the XGECU program itself shows something about logic chips is > why > I asked about that. > > Can some Eprom programmers handle Gal chips or just Eprom's? > > BTW I have 2 Eproms I was able to read sucessfully just for kicks and just > learning > how to basically use this thing. And Verifying. > > I wish I knew how to create Roms for cartridges if anyone has info on that. > > >Received on 2022-11-25 23:04:12
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