Watch videos such as this to find out what programming E(E)PROM's all about Yes you can program GAL's, E(E)PROM's and also test logic chips and SRAM. The logic chips you can test in the TL866II+ are the 74 (for instance 7400, 7402, 74LS245 etc etc) series logic (and I think 4000 series). Pop it in, select the chip in XGECU and hit test. This will verify if the chip is working or not. You can also test SRAM like the 6116, 6264 and a bunch of others. On 26/11/2022 5:07 am, Terry Raymond wrote: > I have a question I dont know much about Eprom programmers but here goes: > > Will most Eprom programmers create I guess MOS or CMOS logic chips? > > I have 2 older XGECU TL866 II Plus programmers USB interface > I noticed in the XGECU program itself shows something about logic > chips is why > I asked about that. > > Can some Eprom programmers handle Gal chips or just Eprom's? > > BTW I have 2 Eproms I was able to read sucessfully just for kicks and > just learning > how to basically use this thing. And Verifying. > > I wish I knew how to create Roms for cartridges if anyone has info on > that. > >Received on 2022-11-26 04:00:02
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