cbm-hackers mailing list
by subject
- (fwd) ATN: Major update at The X1541 Shop!
- (german) VC1540 disk manual
- (no subject)
- (unknown charset) Marko's IRQ loader routine
- (unknown charset) PET stuff
- *sigh* (was: AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!)
- .oO C=64 colors Oo. (fwd)
- 1541 Drive
- 1541II and 1571 repair (fwd)
- 1571 & SX64
- 1581 / 720 KB-drive
- 1581 Service Manual
- 1581 test/demo disk
- 192 bytes free
- 2364 ROM pinout?
- 25th Anniversary of the personal computer
- 4464's on the hoof
- 64'er (Was: CBM C65 and V364 pages)
- 6545 = 6845 ???
- 8250 demo disk
- 8250 demo disk)
- 8250 help needed
- 8250-test/demo diskette
- 8280 roms
- 8296D disk transfer help needed
- 901885-04 (fwd)
- [comp.sys.cbm] SID-cartridge for VIC20 -alpha version
- [comp.sys.cbm] Swap cbm 8032?
- A favor
- A parallel interface for PET, VIC-20 and C64/C128
- A parallel interface for PET, VIC-20 and C64/C128 [3]
- A session with my VIC-20
- Amstrad CPC dox (offtopic)
- AR docs
- Away for a while
- B-128 chips
- Batteries Included BusCard II
- Blather
- C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S C A M! ! !
- C116 and Magic Voice
- C128 PLA dumped!
- C128D
- C64 --8032 monitor questions
- C64/VIC-20 AV lead
- C= 232 (fwd)
- C=128 power supply plug
- C=Hacking
- C=Hacking Issue #18
- Calc Result prg
- Calc Result Safety Disk
- Calcresult format?
- Calling all UKers
- Cartridge port modem identity
- Cartridge port modem?
- CBM 500/600/700 User's Guide
- CBM 610: FPLA Failure?
- CBM 610: PLA Replacement (fwd)
- CBM 8280
- CBM C65 and V364 pages
- CBM Drive Mechanisms
- CBM Drive Mechanisms (Revised)
- CBM Power Supplies
- CBM secrets
- cbm/pet files website
- CMD RTC Commands
- CMD Specials
- Commodore 8032-SK
- commodore B model. (fwd)
- Commodore Calculators
- Commodore Calculators (was: Multi-processor sy
- Commodore Calculators (was: Multi-processor system)
- Commodore FTP Sites List
- commodore items for sale on ebay.... (fwd)
- Commodore monitor 1402 (fwd)
- Commodore patents from IBM's server
- Commodore PET find
- Commodore PET Find)
- Commodore Pet tape games (fwd)
- Commodore sale web page
- Commodore sfd 1001 und 8250 (fwd)
- comp.*.cbm
- CR-521 (SoundBlaster CDROM drive)
- crackers take note.. or whistle it)
- Crackers take note...
- CRTC 6545 operation
- Dating a C-64 board
- Doorst: Returned mail: Cannot send message within 5 days
- Double sigh... (was: *sigh*)
- dr.t's kcs
- Early VIC20 Keyboard
- Fast Load Cartridge
- FAT16 filesystem.
- Filesystem specifications
- For Sale items
- forwarded items list
- Freak me OUT (even more off-topic)
- ftp.funet.fi CD-ROM
- ftp.funet.fi CD-ROM image
- Funet cd image
- FUNET CD image available
- Funet CD-Rom and XE1541 Cables For Sale
- funet-server CD]
- fwd vlad driver
- Gunzip.c64
- gunzip.c64n
- Help wanted, US people
- Help!! (fwd)
- HHC-dagen en aanbieding commodore hardware
- Hidden file
- Historical review
- hoe gaat het?
- How to create a freezer cartridge?
- How to run speedscript and where to get c64 disks copied to ibm format. (fwd)
- I/O line usage database
- IDE (2)
- IDE (3)
- IDE (4)
- IDE (Frank)
- IDE (Stephen)
- IDE for C64
- IDE for C64 (Andre)
- IDE for C64 (Frank)
- IDE for C64 (Levente)
- IDE for C64 (Stephen)
- IDE/SCSI drivers
- IEEE488
- Imaging protected disks
- In need of C65 manuals...
- Instruction decoder 6502
- Interpod - Micropower 2000
- ken/mac-pet ftp/final
- keyboard mystery solved
- Killer Poke...
- Kim-1 software.
- Larry's Commodore Pages Updates
- Light relief
- Looking for RTC Schematics
- Looking for slaves
- Looking for YMF262
- LPTIEC 0.9.2
- Marko's IRQ loader routine
- Meet me (2)
- microtext (fwd)
- Missing C65 manual pages
- modem/300 (fwd)
- Modern myths
- More CS-DOS Utilities (Was: 64'er (Was: CBM C65 and V364 pages))
- MSD SD-1 Super Disk
- Multi-processor system
- Mupid (offtopic)
- Musings of tinkering hands...
- My Broken PET
- My web pages
- Myths or Fact?
- Needed: eprom pinout
- New lists?
- New national C128 versions found
- Nicknames
- Nicolas Welte -Hey, noone else on the list?
- NY Times article
- Off list due to error
- PC<-->Plus/4
- PET -> SuperPET...possible?
- Pet 2001 (fwd)
- Pet 8096 for trade in UK
- Pet disks... was: Double Sigh...
- PET indes, disks, and killer poke...
- PET rediscoveries and questions
- PET s/w upload -timescale
- PET software
- PET stuff
- PET Zork working under VICE and BASIC 2.0
- PET/CBM-II docs on funet
- Playing Musical providers...
- Plus/4 Jump table
- Plus/4 programmers reference guide
- Pop Quiz - MOS part numbers
- positive id- Cartridge port modem?
- posting cables
- posting cables)
- posting cables))
- Printer 4022 problems
- Question for Ruud concerning the KIM
- Radioactive Warrior
- Radioactive Warrior...
- Radwar
- RADWAR PARTY 2000 - The Ultimate Bug Event !!! (fwd)
- RAM expansion for PET
- Rescue stuff in northern CA
- Ruud Baltissen
- SCHs 610, 700, 720, MMF9000, Plus 4, C16
- SCSI/HD drivers again
- Secret programs
- Sega Mega Drive 6 button controller
- SFD 1001 blinks
- SFD-1001
- SFX Librarian
- SFX sound expander
- SFX Sound Expanders (again!)
- SFX Sound Sampler
- Some PET stuff
- Sorry,
- Sound Expander schematics
- Speedscript
- Stopping the IDE-project
- Stuff
- subscribe
- SuperPET software
- tech story
- Tester(s) needed for PET Zork
- Tester(s) needed for PET Zork)
- The HardSID project (fwd)
- To PDF or not to PDF - this is the question...
- TraceRoute (Warning: off topic)
- Trade. (fwd)
- Two German articles from 1984
- Upgrading the SFX Sound Expander
- uploaded files
- Usenet access off until further notice
- User port connector & monitors
- V364 !!! How about a mailing list bid? :)
- VC20
- VIC -20 Software
- Wanted: opcodes of 8501
- Web server D64 extractor
- WHEW! (was: *sigh* (was: AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!))
- Wierd Al Yankovic's Song, "It's All About The Pentiums"
- WTB: Amiga A1000 and MAS-20 Hard Drive (fwd)
- www.6502.org (fwd)
- X(E)1541-cable connected to a 128D?
- xa65816/c64scsi
- You shouldn't have that...
- Zeno
- Zeno!