Re: sd2iec ported to petSD

From: Jim Brain <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 14:32:51 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On 5/29/2011 9:41 PM, Nils Eilers wrote:
>> Impressive.  I hope you'll consider feeding the code back to Ingo.  Is there a project page?  I still have design files for uIEEE/SD, but I am so far behind on projects due to the job search and new job.
> I'd me more than happy, if you'd offer a uIEEE/SD in your shop. If I can help you in any way, just let me know.
Getting the patch into the codebase would be the best help.  A schematic 
showing which pins you connected to the 75XXX units would also help.  I 
am embarking on a redesign of the uIEC/SD, and now's a great time to add 
the IEEE option.  I was able to find a nice source of IEEE connectors at 
a reasonable price, and I found IEEE cables at an OK price ($13.00USD is 
not great, but it's not USD$100.00, which is what I saw on some sites)
> I used a atMega 1284p with 75160/75161 IEEE bus drivers, but the software fits in a 644 at the moment and allows connecting the IEEE bus directly to the AVR (tested with a XS-1541) -- though I wouldn't recommend that: it doesn't work when all my IEEE hardware is connected.
Yeah, I was not prepared to support a design that does not use bus 
drivers.  Too many failures on loaded busses.


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