Hallo Vanessa, > It defeats the purpose of a free and open Internet. Which also means that one is free to put text on his image :) > Instead, add a hidden watermark What does diminishing or enlarging do with this hidden watermark? And what if people use this picture anyway, are you going to sue (??? accuse, summon) them? Some background: My wife Aleksandra is a member of www.nk.pl, where nk stands for "nasza klassa", which is "our class" in Polish. One could upload photo's to share with others. One day they changed the rules and declared that NK took the right for using uploaded photos for their own (commercial) purposes. We responded by putting at least a clear www.Aleksandra.nl on the uploaded photo. The compay behind Umark even didn't think of the way how Aleksandra used this program. They were impressed and even made a page dedicated to this idea: http://www.watermarkingtips.com/creative-watermarks/poems-on- photos-as-watermark -- ___ / __|__ / / |_/ Groetjes, Ruud Baltissen \ \__|_\ \___| http://Ruud.C64.org Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2011-12-03 23:00:07
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