Minix for the old C= PCs

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 21:42:48 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hallo allemaal,

I liked that idea: running Minix on an old C= PC. Anyway, for anyone 
interested as well, I found this link:

Strange thing: the directories 1.1 and 1.2 contain directories with 
floppy images. The later ones don't. So I wondered, does this you 
mean have to compile your own executables from then on?
Before I can find out my self, I have to figure out how to turn 
those images into real floppies. I completely forgot that last 
summer my "image server", an old Compaq ???whatever???, brooke down. 
OK, another challenge for the weekend :)

Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen

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