Re: Software to write files into D80/D82 images

From: Michał Pleban <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 22:29:30 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Michał Pleban wrote:

> Could the error be caused by creating the initial disk on a 8250
> switched into 8050 mode, as opposed to a "real" 8050? Or by
> pre-allocating some sectors in the BAM?

I did some checks and it is definitely a bug in c1541. The following
commands exhibit the error:

c1541 -format test,01 d80 tmp.d80
c1541 tmp.d80 -write boot.prg boot
c1541 tmp.d80 -write 6509.prg 6509
c1541 tmp.d80 -write 8088.prg 8088

The third file is corruped - when trying to read it later in c1541, it
gives the error "Track 0, Sector 0 our of bounds" and the drive hangs
when reading this. The error starts exhibiting itself when the combined
files on the disk reach certain number of blocks (it happens when the
third file has 7 blocks or 14 blocks, but not when it has 1 block).

The problem disappears when the image type is changed to D82.


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