Re: jeri's board - memory

From: Nate Dannenberg (
Date: 2001-03-13 02:55:36

> If Jeri will include a 65816 option in the board, it will make things
> easier for programmers who depend on the '816. I'm hoping she will try
> it :-)

The more I think about it, the less enticing a 65816 option seems to me,
of course I have a Super CPU :-)

If Jeri includes a 65816, it needs to be able to replace the SCPU as well
as work *with* it.  I.e. if a SCPU is present, the card should switch
itself into a video accellerator mode instead of a whole-system
accellerator, and let the SCPU do the job it was designed for.

If a SCPU is NOT present, the card should be able to replace it, and run
programs designed for the SCPU without modifications.  After all, it's
probably easier to add a video driver to a program than it is to rewritre
the program to run under a different environment.

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